
Data Science Lab 1309

The Data Science laboratory is considered one of the most important laboratories developed in the college, and to keep pace with the students’ academic and applied requirements, these laboratories are equipped with the latest hardware and software at the local and international levels, with designs that keep pace with modernity in this field. Where a laboratory is equipped with an integrated set of computers for students with high specifications and main servers for analyzing and processing large and complex data, smart interactive screens for laboratories, and programs to provide students with theoretical, practical and applied knowledge necessary to analyze and extract information from data and to understand the latest applications about processing Data analysis, mining, deep learning, data representation.

Contact Faculty On

  • Email: dean_fit@ammanu.edu.jo
  • Phone: +962 5 3500211
  • Extension: 2126
  • Address: Al-Ahliyya Amman University / Amman-Jordan- Al Salt Road / Zip-Code (Postal Address): (19328)
  • Fax: +962 6 5335169

Al-Ahliyya Amman University

Email: Public@ammanu.edu.jo


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