
Web Application Lab 1303

Design, development and web applications are very popular due to the ability to update and maintain without distributing and installing software on clients computers and is now considered the most economical and powerful platfprm among the major multi-user system platforms.

Web applications have been used to implement business-critical database applications, online retail sales services, online auctions, wikis, discussion boards, bligs, forums and many other functions.

This laboratory aims to improve the students ability to develop web applications and through it students will gain knowledge of the methods and tools used in designing and developing web applications on projects from reality, and the student reaches a stage that enables him to fully design websites from the beginning of knowing the requirements of the site amd the mechanism of work and structure of websites to hosting them on servers. Students will have the ability to design and implements World Wide Web services and applications effectively using different languages (Html, CSS, JavaScript, Asp .NET, C#,…).


Contact Faculty On

  • Email: dean_fit@ammanu.edu.jo
  • Phone: +962 5 3500211
  • Extension: 2126
  • Address: Al-Ahliyya Amman University / Amman-Jordan- Al Salt Road / Zip-Code (Postal Address): (19328)
  • Fax: +962 6 5335169

Al-Ahliyya Amman University

Email: Public@ammanu.edu.jo


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